Add a Video Gallery to Your Website
Video Galleries grant you the option to add multiple videos on one page, in a pleasing manner. You can add a Video Gallery block using the steps below.
- Select CONTENT at the top of the page.
- From the Content panel, select the Page where you'd like to place your Video Gallery, from your list of Pages. (Ours is titled "Video Gallery")
Note: In this scenario, we will be working in a Generic page type.
- From your Page, select the green (+) button between Content blocks, and the Video Gallery option from the menu that appears.
- The block will immediately show up on the page. Select the green Add Video button to input your first YouTube or Vimeo video:
- Now, go to YouTube or Vimeo's website in a new tab or window. Navigate to the video of your choice, then simply copy the video's URL to your clipboard.
- Head back to liveBooks and open the Page you have been working on in Content.
- Now paste the video's URL into the item you added earlier. (Right-click and Paste or CMD+V for Mac | CTRL+V for PC)
Note: You may also paste the video embed code into the item, but we find pasting the URL easier. - Repeat Step 4-7 for as many videos you'd like to have in your Video Gallery. You will notice that after you paste the URL, the platform grabs the video's Title and Description from the Video source (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo).
- When done, select the green Publish button to make it live to your website.
Note: do not leave any blank "Video" selection boxes in your Video Gallery block, as it may disrupt the order of your videos. If you see a blank video space in your Video Gallery block (like in the screenshot below), either add a video URL to it, or click the "trash can" icon to delete it.