Troubleshooting Social Sharing Link Thumbnail/Image Not Appearing

Sometimes, when sharing a link to a page on your site on Facebook, the "link preview" does not show a thumbnail. This issue is usually related to metadata and how some crawlers scrape and collect information. After confirming that you have an image set in the page's Social Sharing settings, you can use the following tools to troubleshoot:

  • Facebook Debug Tool - Paste in the URL you plan to share and click the Debug button. If it doesn’t show the new, expected image, click the Scrape Again button.
  • Twitter Card Validator Tool - Paste in the URL you plan to share and click the Preview Card button. If it doesn’t show the new, expected image, add ?clearcache to the end of the URL field and click Preview Card again.
  • LinkedIn Post Inspector - Paste in the URL you plan to share and click the Inspect button. If it doesn’t show the new image, add ?clearcache to the end of the URL field and click the Inspect button again (LinkedIn uses OpenGraph, i.e., the sharing standard created by Facebook, so it should use that image).
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