Change DNS records on GoDaddy

Here is how to point the DNS records of your website on to liveBooks. Make sure to add your domain to your liveBooks settings after completing the steps in this article. Today we will be adding an A Record to your DNS zone file:

1. Navigate to

2. Select Sign In in the top righthand corner and login to your account.

3. Click on your domain name to access your Domain Settings page.

4. Select the gear icon over the block for your domain name

5. Then select Manage DNS in the dropdown window

6. Under Additional Settings, select Manage DNS.

7. Select Add under the records table.

8. Under Type, select A.

9. Enter the details for your A record:

  • Host: Type @
  • Points to: Enter the IP address
  • TTL: Enter 30 minutes/1 half hour

10. Click Save to complete the process.


Note: DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to complete.


Below is a video tutorial covering how to publish your liveBooks site.  Note: we have used GoDaddy as the registrar example in this video but all settings and changes apply to any domain provider.


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