Enable Disqus/Add Comments on Your liveBooks Blog
To add the Disqus commenting platform to your liveBooks blog, first head to disqus.com and click the orange "Get this on your site" button.
Follow the steps to register your site, and make note of the "Site Shortname" you choose. You'll use this to connect Disqus to your site. Now, here's how to get comments using liveBooks with Disqus:
1. Select the Content tool in the gray navigation bar.
2. Select Add Content Sections and choose Blog (you can change the title of this section from Blog to whatever you like)
3. Select the Settings icon in the gray navigation bar.
4. Select Apps under the Settings header.
5. Select Comments.
6. Select the Disqus tile and add the site short-name you chose when you signed up for your Disqus account
That's it! A place for readers to leave comments is now ready and waiting on your liveBooks blog.
While the ability to enable Disqus comments can only be toggled on in a blog content block, it is still possible to add Disqus comments to any page by adding a Custom HTML block. Follow these directions to add Disqus to any page you have:
1. Go to Disqus.com and select Sign Up.
2. From the Disqus Dashboard, select the Gear icon in the right hand corner, then select Add Disqus To Site.
3. In the right hand corner, select Install On Your Site.
4. Enter your Site Name, a Shortname, and a Category.
5. Select Finish Registration.
6. Now select Universal Code from the methods of installation.
7. Highlight and copy the code inside the textbox provided.
8. Go back to your liveBooks Dashboard.
9. Select the Settings icon in the gray navigation bar.
10. Select Users & Roles under the Settings header.
11. Select Edit next to your email and check the Developer option
12. Select Save
13. Select Content in the navbar
14. Select the Page you want to add Disqus comments to
15. Select the green + button
16. Select the green Custom HTML tile
17. Paste the code that you copied from the Disqus website inside the Custom HTML block. The code should look something like this:
18. In the code, replace PAGE_URL with your website URL (example.spacecrafted.com)
19. In the code, replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's identifier variable (don't change this value if you can't find one)
20. In the code, replace yourshortnamehere with your Disqus shortname if it was not already inputted
21. Select the blue Save button in the Custom HTML block.
22. Select the green Publish button.
Done! Users can now add comments to your page.