Cancel Subscription/Delete Website or Account
These steps will show you how to delete a website from your account. Only the designated Owner can delete a site. Once a website has been deleted, your subscription will end.
If you want to delete one site from an account with multiple paid sites:
1. Click on your site name in the gray navigation bar, and select Account.
2. Select Subscriptions under the Manage Account header. Click on the gear icon to open more options.
3. Choose the site you wish to cancel/delete and click the ‘trash’ icon on the right-hand side.
4. 'Hold to Delete'
If you want to delete your entire account:
1. Click on your site name in the gray navigation bar, and select Account.
2. Click Delete account at the bottom of the 'Manage Account' tab.
NOTE: This will COMPLETELY delete your account and any websites attached to it.
Please note that we do not offer any full or partial refunds for any subscription fees, as per our Terms of Service...